

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Gardening tips

The gardening tips vary according to the seasons. In summer season, the plants are watered directly in the base until it fills, while watering the plants, the gardener should avoid scratching the leaves. Further the plants should be watered in the morning or in the evening.

The plants are saved from hotness in summer season, that’s why the green shades are necessary in summer seasons. And in winter season, the plants are saved from fog and coldness. This thing can damage the plants at the roots.

It is important to notice that when the gardener is planting a plant, the pot of plant is cleaned properly because, if the pot is full of minerals, the water can not reach to the roots.
Gardening tips
So, before planting, the pots are cleaned with white vinegar, water and alcohol. It is said that the gardening is a massive hobby, but it is no longer true as the gardener can save their nails from getting dirty by rubbing nails with soap. In this way, the under sides of nails are sealed and after finishing work, the soap can be cleaned with nail brush. This is one of very important gardening tips.
Gardening tips
The plants are planted at a proper distance. First of all the tiny plants are planted in pots, when they have an adult form, they are sued to plant in ground. The clay pots save plants from frost and freezing in the winter nights.
Gardening tips
It is a rule of gardening that if one time, one plant is grown at a place then second time another plant is grown. In this way, the soil and plants live healthy. To keep healthy the soil and plants, the gardeners need to spray anti pest drugs and add fertilizers in the soil after certain period.
Gardening tips
The herbs are used in cars and rooms for beautiful smell. But for this purpose the herbs should be dry. These can be dried easily. One has to wrap them in newspaper and the herbs would be dry soon. It gives very beautiful smell. If the gardener wants to make soil acidifying, one should use leftovers of tea and coffee in soil for acid loving plants like azaleas, camellias and blue berries.
Gardening tips
The soil should be changed after certain period. These are the best gardening tips which are used frequently. By following these instructions, the gardening becomes easy and enjoy able. Now every one can enjoy garden tips.